Interesting facts about the conference
Какие-то факты о конференции которые бы отличали ее от других конференций
Hospitality in culture from three different angles:
· Agents of Hospitality (artists, museums, art residences);
· Hospitality Boundaries (diversity, the global and national, pandemic, environmental factor);
· Hospitable environment (design, architecture, accessibility, sustainability, communities).
Save the date: November 25-28, 2021. Eventful conference program that studies hospitality in contemporary art, museum work, art residences, design, architecture and inclusion.
That many cultural institutions create and implement the conference program: the OMK-Uchastiye Foundation, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Volgo-Vyatka branch of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Arsenal), the Association of Art Residences of Russia and the Vyksa Art Residence.
And their representatives will be speakers at the conference. The preliminary list: France, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Germany, Austria, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Lithuania, Italy, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey, USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Morocco, South Africa, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore.
Take part in the conference program: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia